How to Get Rid of Clogged Pores on Nose: 7 Natural Treatments to Unclog Pores

Get Rid of  Clogged Pores on Nose

Clogged pores can appear in a variety of different places, and can most commonly appear on and around the face, on your back and on the chest. Here we are going to be focusing on the face and even more specifically the nose area. Clogged pores are very common on the nose area, and as such it is always good to know how to prevent them.

The facial area is one of the most affected areas of the body as it experiences the most effects from the weather and general day to day tasks. You will touch your face more than any other area of your body and more so your nose area. This causes clogged pores, acne, and bad skin, as the dirt that your hands have accumulated will now pass on to your face and in to your pores.

The nose seems to be one of the most common areas for clogged pores, however they are also one of the easiest areas to prevent them. Other than simply applying the correct facial cleanser, you could try some of these methods below.

Treatments to Clear Clogged Pores on Nose

There are many ways that you can prevent and  or remove clogged pores from the nose area of the face, and we have got together the ones that work. Let us know how you get on with them.

1.  Steaming to Get Rid of Clogged Pores on Nose

One of the best ways is also one of the simplest and that is by simply boiling the kettle, and poring it in to a bowel. Put a towel over your head to trap as much of the steam as possible. You can also add mint or lemon juice to the water to help with the process.

2. Lemon Juice Remedy for Clogged Pores on Nose

Using a clean cotton bud and a few drops of lemon juice to prevent clogged pores on your nose and other areas. Simply squeeze a couple of lemon drops on to the cotton bud a rub it over the affected areas of your nose. Leave this to dry up and the natural antiseptics contained within the lemon will reduce skin oils and dirt that cause clogged pores.

3. Simply Wash the Face for Preventing Clogged Pores on Nose

By washing your face 2 – 3 times a day, you can drastically reduces the build up of dirt and inevitably prevent any clogged pores from appearing on the nose and other areas of your face. You can also include a cleanser of exfoliation cream to really drive the dirt out of the pores.

4. Use Alcohol Pads for Reducing Clogged Pores on Nose

Alcohol pads are a great treatment for the nose and chin areas as the strong solution will help to dry out the skin, kill off any dirt and subsequently, clear the area form clogged pores.

5. Moisturize Face to Get Rid of Clogged Pores on Nose

By using the right moisturizers you can keep your skins natural defenses up, which will inevitably clear up those clogged pores. We recommend using the right moisturizer for your skin type.

6. Keep properly Hydrated to Unclog Pores on Nose

This is are favorite as not only does this help to prevent clogged pores but it helps with your energy levels, and general health. By drinking 1.5 – 2 liters of water a day, you will help to keep your skin hydrated, which will help your natural defenses to work on preventing those dreadful clogged pores on nose.

7.  Nose Strips to Get Rid of Clogged Pores on Nose

Nose strips are only good for the nose area, but do they work. Well from personal experiences, they do. They contain ingredients specifically researched for preventing clogged pores on nose areas. They target the dirt and clear it out.

These are just some of the ways you can get rid of clogged pores on the nose area.