Blackhead Treatment Tips: Best Treatments for Blackheads

Best Treatments for Blackheads

Blackhead treatment is the first step of effective acne prevention and should be taken seriously. Neglecting this step might lead to more severe acne breakouts, pimples, nodules and cysts, which in turn can lead to permanent acne scarring.

There are many blackheads treatment options available on the market. You can use over-the-counter products that contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. Well-known brands like Neutrogena, Clean and Clear, Proactive or Exposed all offer this type of treatment, which also work to get rid of pimples. You can also remove blackheads with a comedone extractor or blackhead remover like Revlon stainless steel. Natural blackhead treatment is also a good option. Products like Zyporex contain natural ingredients that can effectively fight comedones, and you can also make your own remedies at home.

Blackhead Treatment Tips

Here are some tips on how to select the best blackhead treatment and what you should look at.

- Active ingredients: Which ingredients work best for removing blackheads well, the ones that can eliminate the cause. Blackheads are enlarged skin pores, which get stuffed up with excessive sebum and dead skin cells. These substances clog the pores and prevent the skin oil from getting out of the pores and prevent skin from exfoliating. Therefore, ingredients that can improve this situation are the best for treating your blackheads.

Benzoyl peroxide as well as various acids, such as salicylic acid, help to clean up the skin, exfoliate faster and remove extra oil and dead skin cells. Acids peel off the upper layer of the skin and clean up the pores from inside.

Natural ingredients such as chamomile, lemon juice or honey dry up the skin and help to remove extra oil. Many acne treatment manufacturers include such botanical and natural ingredients as well as essential oils into their products to fight blackheads.

If you have sensitive skin, you might prefer to treat your blackheads with botanical washes and products that only contain natural ingredients.

- Safety is another aspect of blackhead treatment you should look at when choosing a product. Many of the powerful acne treatment ingredients over dry the skin and cause some irritation. They may also cause skin inflammation or general allergic reactions. When using prescription treatments for blackhead removal, make sure to consult your doctor on the possible side effects they might have. If you have sensitive skin, make sure to be careful in your choice.

- Affordability of such products may not be the foremost on your list of desired aspects, but still it has to be taken into consideration. Most facial topical acne treatments are not cheap but many of them take care of your skin and treat the cause of blackheads, which will help you have fewer breakouts in the future. Many homemade blackhead treatments may also be as effective as over-the-counter products, and are usually cheaper.

- Efficacy: It is important to keep in mind that the exact same product might have great results for some people, and have no results at all for others. It all depends on your skin type and on other factors. Many of such products need time to work, and they do not produce overnight results. You might need to try several products and remedies before finding the best blackhead treatment that works for you.

- Regimen: Keep in mind that if you have blackheads and whiteheads as well as some pimples or nodules, you should engage in a regimen and be using various acne treatments. Some of them have to be coupled with other remedies, washers, cleaners, pills or moisturizers. Sometimes a complex solution is needed, involving various masks, steaming procedures, etc. Make sure you have time and dedication to go through this daily routine before you decide to purchase any blackhead removal treatment.

Keeping in mind these 5 aspects of blackhead treatment will help you select the best treatment for your acne, and you will improve your chances to get rid of blackheads and improve your skin condition.