Blackhead Extractor Pros And Cons

Blackhead Extractor

A blackhead extractor is the tool you need if you want to get rid of your blackheads fast. This tool, also called comedone or comedo extractor, helps you to squeeze out blackheads and this removal technique is much safer than popping blackheads out with your fingers.

Using a black head extractor has its pros and cons and it is important to keep them in mind before choosing this removal method.

Blackhead Extractor Pros

Blackhead extractors are made of stainless steel. This allows you to boil and disinfect them. Thus, this tool is much cleaner and sterile than your hands. This is crucial, as you do not want to get any bacteria inside your skin and get it inflamed, because you could have pimples and even some acne scars.

The next good positive point about a blackhead extractor is that it damages your skin less than your fingers. When you pop out blackheads with your fingers, you cannot cause an even pressure on the skin around them. A black head extractor has a loop on its end. You put it over a blackhead and press it down. The steel around the loop causes even pressure on the skin.

Then, one of the big advantages of a comedone extractor is that it allows you to remove blackheads fast. Topical treatments or prescription drugs cannot do that for you. They really take longer to work. Sometimes they may take weeks or even months to produce any visible results in blackhead removal.

However, if you are getting ready for a special occasion, make sure to pop your blackheads out with the extractor ahead of time. Blackhead extractors may leave scars on the skin, which take up to two weeks to heal up.

Another benefit of a blackhead extractor tool is that it is affordable. You may get one for as low as $7 and you can buy them from many places. There are also blackhead removal kits available for more complete blackhead removal solutions. These kits may contain a whitehead extractor as well as pore strips to remove blackheads on nose and special cleansers to loosen the blackheads in skin pores. You can also find a double spoon blackhead extractor that will allow you to remove all types of comedones and even pimples.

Blackhead Extractor Cons

A comedone extractor may be painful to use. If you press it too hard, it may cause some bleeding. This means it can damage the skin and leave scars on your face.

Initially, blackhead removers were created for professional use only. Even though they can be used at home, the best option is to get your blackheads removed with extractors by your dermatologist. If you don’t know how to use a blackhead extractor, the safest option is to get professional acne treatment services from a doctor or a cosmetologist. This may be viewed as a con, because such services are much more expensive than the price of a blackhead remover tool.

If you are inexperienced and you use a blackhead extractor at home, you may cause your skin to get irritated or even infected and inflamed. This is why this tool must be used with great care.

Moreover, while it is true that such tools cam remove comedones fast, they do not prevent you from getting new ones. A blackhead extractor cannot cure the cause of your acne. And you will still need to make a real treatment if you want to get rid of blackheads.

Hopefully, now that you know all the pros and cons of using a blackhead extractor to get rid of acne blemishes, you will be able to make the best choice and use of such a tool.