How to Remove Whiteheads On Face: Methods to Get Rid of Whiteheads

Remove Whiteheads On Face

If you have white bumps on your face, you are probably asking yourself the following questions is: why do you keep getting whiteheads on face, what are whiteheads and how can you get rid of them.

Whiteheads can appear on chin, on nose, on forehead, on cheeks, on lips, around mouth, and around eyes. However, you should know that white bumps are not always acne whiteheads, they can also be milia. Indeed, milia are tiny white bumps or small cysts on the skin that usually appear on the cheeks, on nose, around the eyes, and on chin. They are found in newborns but also in people of all ages. Make sure that your white bumps are acne before starting any whiteheads treatment.

Whiteheads, also called closed comedones, are basically clogged skin pores. Your skin has a unique moisturizer and protector, called skin oil or sebum. You have sebum glands located inside your skin. These glands produce the oil and pores transport it to the surface of your face. Sebum protects your skin from drying up and from external environment influences.

However, skin glands may start to produce too much oil and in such a case pores start to malfunction. The oil cannot be transported to the skin surface anymore. Pore tunnels may become damaged; the cells do not exfoliate and block the way out for the sebum. This is how you get ugly blackheads or whiteheads on face. Both are called comedones. Unlike blackheads or open comedones, whiteheads are covered up with a thin skin layer. This is why they are called closed comedones. They do not turn black, as the sebum does not come into contact with oxygen.

If the comedones get inflamed or infected, you can get more severe acne lesions, called pustules, nodules and cysts, on your face. These are the well-known pimples and zits.

How to Get Rid of Whiteheads

Whiteheads on face make the skin look bumpy and uneven. They keep pores enlarged, which can damage them permanently and they will not be able to shrink back, even after you remove comedones. Now, how do you get rid of whiteheads on face? There are several things you should know about whitehead removal or treatment.

Here are some dos and don’ts of whiteheads removal.

One of the major don’ts is squeezing out whiteheads. You run a great risk of damaging your skin when doing so. Whiteheads are harder to squeeze out than blackheads, because they are covered up with skin. And there are good chances that you will press them in, instead of squeezing them out. In this case, you risk getting a pimple instead of a whitehead. You can irritate and inflame your skin by squeezing comedones. So, how do you get rid of whiteheads?

There is a great number of natural, over-the-counter and prescription remedies for removing whiteheads. And there are also whitehead removal tools. These tools are called comedone extractors. They are the little metal sticks with a loop on one or on each end. This little loop, when pressed to the skin around a whitehead, helps to remove it without damaging your skin. It causes just the right pressure to pop out your comedones. Whitehead extractors are mostly used by professionals, such as dermatologists and whiteheads on face removal is also called facial surgery. Still, you can find comedone extractors you can use right in your home. You can find extractors both for blackheads and whiteheads, or combined ones, used for both. They are easy and pretty safe to use for popping out your comedones.

There are also many topical products and treatments you can use to remove whiteheads. They dry up the skin, remove extra oil, help the skin to exfoliate faster and clean up the clogged pores.

Select the safest and most effective treatment for whitehead removal that will work for you.