Low Carb Diet for Weight Loss: 12 Important Guidelines

Low Carb Diet for Weight Loss

Carbohydrates are essential nutrients needed by the body. You can source it out from rice, wheat and bread. But just like other things, anything in excess can be poisonous. There may be bad carbohydrates you are already taking in. Therefore, the concept of low carb diet had been introduced.

The most important factor in dieting is the genuine desire to lose weight. If you want to reduce weight, you should be able to establish a new eating pattern too. This is also a policy that revolves around the concept of low carb diet. Therefore, it pays to follow a guideline that is said to help you throughout the process.

Important Guidelines for Low Carb Diet

Involving yourself in a weight loss program can be successful depending on how you go through it. You may lose a pound each week without feeling that you are deprived of what you want. At this rate, an overweight person starting on a low carb diet can look forward to weighing 25 pounds less in six months. Here are some important reminders when you want to go on a diet.

1. Weighing-in is important. Begin by getting an accurate bathroom scale and a booklet that lists the caloric content of most foods per serving.

2. Get basic facts about nutrition. For practical purposes, nutritionists use the following four basic categories milk; fruit; vegetable; and bread and cereal.

3. Plan your menu according to the needed caloric intake by the body. When planning menus for weight loss, it should be kept in mind that caloric intake should not go below 1000 calories for a woman and 1500 calories for a man.

4. Know the vitamins your body needs. It is also advisable to consult a physician about the iron supplements and vitamins.

5. Keep a record of your weight. A good way to enter into a new eating pattern is to keep a daily record of weight at the time of rising in the morning for two weeks.

6. Record your caloric intake. A careful list should be kept about everything that is normally eaten each day and its caloric count. If weight remains much the same at the end of the two-week period, you should examine the normal eating pattern and decide what should be eliminated or cut down, beginning with fats and carbohydrates.

7. Keep track of alcoholic beverage intake too. Alcoholic beverages must be recorded as well; not only does alcohol contain calories, it also acts as an appetite stimulant.

8. Follow a meal pattern every day. It is generally advisable to plan a diet around three meals a day and to eliminate snacking, except of low-calorie foods.

9. Calculate your caloric intake. Caloric intake should be calculated so that if the total day’s count is 1200, about 300 calories are allocated to breakfast, 300 to lunch, 500 to dinner, and the remainder to a light snack.

10. Consult recipe books. Losing weight is better by consulting recipes in the many cookbooks now available for this purpose.

11. Relax and have fun at times. Anyone who is on a losing weight regimen may occasionally go on a splurge and sometimes feel depressed. In most cases, dieting becomes less obsessive and more successful if new and agreeable forms of exercise are undertaken, and if one’s sense of humor remains intact.

12. Always consult your doctor for other things. Reducing your weight should not be combined with pills of any kind without a doctor’s supervision. If signs of acute emotional upset accompany changes in routine relating to dieting, it is advisable to seek psychiatric help as well.

These guidelines will walk you through your efforts of getting the results in a low carb diet. You are indeed very lucky that you have this guide to help you. If there are any other concerns that may arise along the way, let your doctors and nutritionists know about them immediately.