How To Heal Your Dry Skin At Home

Having dry and itchy skin is a really a pain, and it is especially bad in the winter. It can even get painful at times and scratching the itch will only may it worse. There are some great skin creams that you can use for to treat dry skin, but if you really don’t have the money to spend on these creams currently, there are also easy ways to soothe your skin with home remedies as well. First, you want to remove the roughness of your skin. Rough and dry skin can not only be itchy and painful, but it can also be humiliating. You may avoid shaking hands with people because of it, and that might make you look strange and antisocial. There are natural solutions for dry skin problem though, and there are many foods and other products that you can find lying around your house which you can use to take care of your dry skin properly.

Most importantly, you need to drink a lot of water to heal your dry skin. When your body is not hydrated generally, there is no way that your skin will be hydrated either. It is recommended that every should be drinking eight to ten glasses of water each day, but really, you can never really drink too much water, especially if you already have dry skin issues.

One good home remedy for dry skin is a warm glass of milk mixed with a teaspoon of almond oil. Drink this before sleep and you should see a positive change in your dry skin soon enough.

If you do not have money for expensive lotions and creams to treat your dry skin, you can always use baby lotion. It is cheap, but also very effective. Baby lotion is a great moisturizer and it is for babies, so you know that it does not contain any chemicals or added ingredients that might damage your skin, especially if you already have very sensitive skin.

Likewise, you should probably stick to baby shampoo and baby soap if you have very sensitive skin. Keep the skin safe and moisturize it, that is important. Before you take a bath or shower, put some honey on your skin and leave it for five or ten minutes, as long as you can take it, because it can be a little sticky and annoying.

Honey is one of the best natural moisturizers, but it is also important that it is raw honey that you are using, not the processed kind you find in stores that isn’t very natural at all and has many additives.

Another inexpensive alternative to creams and lotions is sesame oil. Rub the oil on your body after taking a shower and that should help keep your skin moisturized for a good portion of the day.

Coconut and avocado oil are also very good for dry skin. You can also make a paste out of avocado and apply it to your skin for a good moisturizing treatment.

Blend some baking soda, oatmeal, and vanilla extract in to a paste and mix it in a tub of warm water and then soak in it for as long as you like. This should leave your dry skin feeling both refreshed and moisturized.