How to Get Rid of Plantar Warts using Home Remedies

Duct Tape Remedy to Get Rid of Plantar Warts

Believe it or not, duct tape is one of the most effective home remedies for plantar warts. Duct tape is simply placed over the warts and worn on the foot for six days. At the end of the sixth day, the foot is soaked in water until the plantar wart becomes soft and vulnerable. The wart is then scrapped with an abrasive such as pumice or emery boards.

In a comparison study conducted in 2002, individuals with plantar warts were treated with cryotherapy (the treating of skin lesions with freezing) and duct tape therapy. The individuals that used the duct tape surprisingly outperformed those who were treated with cryotherapy. The individuals with plantar warts using duct tape were able to completely remove their plantar warts within two months of using the duct tape treatment.

How to Get Rid of Plantar Warts using Salicylic Acid

Regular salicylic acid, which can be purchased over the counter at a drug store, is an excellent option for treating warts and moles. The concentration of salicylic acid needs to be 17% for this treatment to work. This home remedy for plantar warts involves soaking the wart in warm water for approximately ten minutes. Soaking the plantar wart in warm water allows the calloused skin on the wart’s exterior to become soft. Once the callous skin is softened, use an emery board or pumice to remove as much of the calloused as possible. If too much dead skin protects the plantar wart, the cells infected by the virus will not be susceptible to the salicylic acid due to a lack of penetration.

Using salicylic acid for more than several weeks can cause slight health problems; especially for individuals who have diabetes and babies.

Using salicylic acid home remedies for plantar warts often kills the warts in approximately seven to fourteen days. Many different over the counter products exist marketed as wart removers. These products contain 17% salicylic acid and a similar concentration of lactic acid. Consult your local pharmacy for more information. If a plantar wart remains even after fourteen days, this home remedy can be said to be ineffective for you. Another home remedy should be tried instead.

How to Get Rid of Plantar Warts using Vitamin A

Applying vitamin A in much the same way as salicylic acid was applied can also treat a plantar wart. Unlike salicylic acid, vitamin A will cure plantar warts in approximately one to nine months. This option is certainly time consuming and may not be a viable option for most individuals suffering from severe plantar warts.

How to Get Rid of Plantar Warts using Apple Cider Vinegar

If you can believe it, apple cider vinegar has been shown to treat plantar warts. There are seems to be few ailments known to man apple cider vinegar cannot positively effect! To effectively use apple cider vinegar to remove a plantar warts the wart must be soaked regularly in apple cider vinegar and rubbed with a towel. Typically individuals choose to soak their plantar warts in apple cider vinegar for 15 to 20 minutes on a daily basis. Rubbing the warts firmly after soaking in apple cider vinegar is essential for this home remedy for plantar warts to be successful.

Vicks VapoRub Home Remedy for Plantar Warts

Vicks VapoRub is another common over the counter product that can be used as an excellent home remedy for plantar warts. The plantar wart should be rubbed with Vicks VapoRub every evening and covered with some type of band aid. This process must be repeated until the plantar wart is completely eliminated. Using Vicks VapoRub as a home remedy for plantar warts is effective, but can take up to two months to totally kill a plantar wart.