How To Get Rid Of Blackheads On The Face

Get Rid Of Blackheads

Blackheads are annoying. This is a fact. They can make your face look dirty or at least untidy. Blackheads on the face make you feel like you do not have a proper hygiene and do not wash your face daily. However, that is not the reason why you get blackheads, and you know it well. So, let’s take a look at why you get blackheads on the face and how to get rid of them.

Blackheads are basically clogged skin pores. Your face skin has many tiny hairs growing on it. The hair grows in pores, which contain hair follicles. But, apart the hair follicles, these pores also contain sebaceous glands. These glands produce skin oil, which protects your skin from environmental influences and moisturizes it. The oil is transported to the skin through your pores. However, if a gland starts to produce too much oil, a pore cannot let it all out and gets blocked.

Then, this material stuck in your pore comes in contact with the air, oxidizes and turns black. Here you go, you have got another blackhead on your face. Now, what can you do about it How can you get rid of it Can you apply a blackhead face wash or face mask Unfortunately there is no quick and simple answer to these questions.

Now, the worst thing you can do to a blackhead on your face is to pop it out with your fingers. It is a very tempting, still completely wrong thing to do. On one hand, you can damage your pores and leave acne scars on your face. On the other hand, you can irritate or infect your skin and turn harmless blackheads into pimples. So, avoid popping face blackheads or even touching your face too much.

So, what should you do? Basically you have 2 options to get rid of blackheads:
1.  Apply topical treatments such as washes, lotions, creams or scrubs
2.  Use a blackhead remover or extractor to squeeze blackheads out.

There are many OTC and prescription treatments available to get rid of blackheads on face. Some of them can be applied to less sensitive skin only, but others work well for sensitive skin, too. You can find some good acne washes to keep your skin clean and a bit dried up during the day.

You can use scrubs to help you loosen blackheads in their nests. You can use steaming to make pores enlarged and help blackheads come out more easily. You can also resort to exfoliation and help your skin to renew faster. This way it peels off dead skin cells and removes oil faster, preventing pores getting blocked. Keep in mind that the use of scrubs is not recommended on a skin that has pimples and not only blackheads, as scrubs are irritating. If you have blackheads only, then you’re good to go.

You can also get a tool called a blackhead extractor. Blackhead extractor is specially designed to remove blackheads. It has loops of different sizes to pop them out more easily and safely. However, to minimize your risks, if you have no experience with such tools, you should visit your dermatologist and let the doctor use his or her professional tools and remove your face blackheads fast.

All these treatments work well to help you get rid of blackheads on the face. However, none of them is fast and 100 percent effective. The best solution is to combine these blackhead removal methods with a good acne treatment regimen and treat your skin consistently for blackheads and acne in general.