Dry Skin Treatments

Dry Skin Treatments

Dry skin treatments are ten a penny but choosing the right one can prove to be a problem. The best way to treat dry skin is to seal in moisture by forming a protective layer over it. Stick to reputable brand names in the cosmetic world to claim positive results for treating dry skin. You have your bogus promoters of female beauty aids that fail to deliver their promises that they make to you the consumer.

Dry skin treatments, what is the difference between creams and lotion

The difference between a cream and a lotion is the oil-to-water ratio, it is said that face creams have more oil than water, and lotions have less. No matter whatever dry skin treatments you tend on using, remember the skin is very delicate and sensitive on some parts of the body, so seek advice beforehand on any product you are going treat an affected area with.

Skin tends to become drier as women age because the number of sweat and oil glands decrease. However, many other factors can contribute to dry, itchy skin at any age. These include cold weather, wind, indoor heating, and frequent bathing.

There are many ways including many old wives tales on how to help prevent dry skin occurring. Always do a skin test for sensitivity on what ever product you are using.

To prevent and treat dry skin:

Use warm water when showering or bathing.

Keep bathing to a minimum to avoid washing away the skin's natural oils.

Choose a mild soap specially formulated for dry skin.

Apply moisturizer after bathing while the skin is damp to seal water in your skin. If you suffer from very dry skin, consider using petroleum jelly or lanolin, both options keep the skin moisturized longer than other lotions. Effective products being sold on the market, such as lotions containing Aloe Vera is a very popular choice to act as a remedy for dry skin. Most work on the same principle: forming a barrier on skin to keep moisture in. Protect the skin in winter from the cold by wearing gloves and a scarf.

Hydrate the dry skin from the inside out by drinking plenty of fluids. Always check out any scaly patches of dry skin on the body in case they may be related to another health issue.

Never use unfamiliar beauty products on the skin because it can worsen the problem you are treating. Never go off the advice of a friend or use their medication, this is for your own safety, what may have been prescribed for a friend or member of your family will have no affect on your condition due to the fact of severity of the dry skin - or if it be a complaint as such, only your doctor is in the position to determine this.