Dandruff Natural Cures – Effective Treatments to Remove Dandruff Flakes

How to Remove Dandruff

For many men and women out there who are constantly scratching their scalps, you have the option to use dandruff natural cures. The dandruff is probably one of the most stubborn hair conditions that a person can get. According to one research, the hair disease is to be caused by this yeast like fungus that is called malassezia.

This fungus is actually present in many scalps across the world. The only difference is that there are some people out there who are most likely to develop it compared to others. Once it gets out of control, it will create this rapid cell production, which results to excessive dandruff.

Clinical research has stated that increased oil production is a hypothesis why dandruff would lead to the creation of dandruff. There are also medical studies out there that have shown that some people who have this hair condition will have excessively dry scalps or oily ones during dandruff conditions.

Natural Cures for Dandruff 

The very first thing that most would often take to cure dandruff is the over the counter drugs like shampoos and massage oils. However, some would opt for dandruff natural cures as some who use the product will have skin irritations and reactions that are negative about the products proven results.

One of the very common dandruff natural cures are rosemary and nettle. This is quite comfortable to use as this will stimulate the hair follicles and will help warm the scalp. A typical mixture would be 25 grams rosemary leaves, 10 grams fresh nettle root, five drops of tea tree oil, 20 grams soft soap and 100 ml of denatured alcohol, plus 350 mil water. This should be left on the shelves so that it could be steep for at least two weeks. After which, it must be strained and used in replace of the shampoos.

Besides this mixture, you also have the choice to use other components such as soap bark, fenugreek seeds, lime and beet for removing dandruff flakes. The soap bark will be used as a cleanser and will also work as anti-inflammatory mixtures that will fight to remove dandruff.

All these natural dandruff treatments and mixtures are recommended for use for those that want to get rid of dandruff. These are those methods that will take time, but in essence, will be purer than the medicinal treatments. Dandruff natural cures may be seen as a prolonged process, but it will be much safer.