Best Natural Face Lift Creams: Get Non Surgical Face Lift using Anti Aging Skin Care Ingredients

These days, anti aging creams seem to be the miracle solution for those concerned with turning back the clock to restore the glory days of their youth. The market is saturated with skin care products that promise to restore youth and vitality to your face by simply lathering on a cream. Some even go as far as touting their products as the miracle cure, the proverbial fountain of youth. But what do you really know about the best anti aging creams out there?

If you're already using anti aging creams you would probably know how they work. But for the uninitiated, anti aging creams help reduce the signs of aging, but they do not remove wrinkles permanently. Anti aging creams work by removing the outer layer of dead skin and/or hydrate and plump up the skin, giving the appearance of smoother, firmer, more radiant skin with reduced wrinkles. However, after you've seen the results (usually within 30 days), should you choose to stop using the products, you'll find that your wrinkles would have returned, so you would have no choice but to keep using the product continuously in your quest for youthful looking skin, while at the same time fattening the pockets of the product manufacturers, especially if you had been using an expensive, more popular brand of skin care. Even though you might think that you're getting your money's worth because the brand is so well established and thus is able to command a premium pricing on its products, did you know that the effectiveness of most of these branded products have not been scientifically studied and proven?

So how can you tell which products work and which don't?

You need to look out for anti aging creams that have the following ingredients:

1. Alpha-hydroxy acids or AHAs. These "fruit acids" help accelerate the exfoliation of old dead cells from the surface of your skin, therefore improving your skin's appearance by leaving it looking fresher, younger, and more radiant. AHAs are especially useful for the reduction of wrinkles around the eyes and mouth.

2. Retinoids. These are chemicals that plumps up the skin and makes it more compact by making the skin produce new cells quicker. Given a month or two, with continuous application, fine lines and wrinkles can be reduced and the skin becomes smoother and firmer. However, discontinuation of use causes the skin to revert back to its aged condition, and the time frame of effectiveness has been shown to be no more than six months in most products.

3. Vitamin A. Like other parts of our body, our skin requires vitamins to maintain and defend itself against the adverse effects of aging. When used in tandem with retinoids, vitamin A can further plump up the skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles by puffing up the skin, due to its slight inflammatory action.

4. Vitamin C. This vitamin helps brighten the skin by boosting blood circulation and collagen production, which makes the skin look radiant by giving it a healthier more youthful glow.

These are just some of the things you should know about the best anti aging creams out there in the market. Look out for the ingredients of such skin care products rather than the price tag; most of the time price of a product is not a determinant of the product's effectiveness in restoring your youthful skin.
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